
Knowing about Islam and health

Tuesday, December 10, 2019 / 0 Comment(s)

Islam is a religion that guides us about all the matters of life. Likewise, it also guides us about the matters related to health. We know this clearly that health is a very important thing. A good health is very necessary for our body. Also, health is a blessing and we must always thank Allah for it. Moreover, there are certain teachings of Islam that inform us about health and secrets to maintain it. Thus, we should know those teachings to implement them in our lives for living a healthy life.

Islam and health:

Islam not only tells us about the spiritual matters. As stated earlier, it informs us about all matters because Islam is a complete code of life. There are many health tips given to us by Islam which we can use and make ourselves healthy. Moreover, from various ahadith we can know about health tips and implement those in our lives. Thus, following are some of the many health tips given to us by Islamic teachings;

Not drinking alcohol:

Islam has prohibited Muslims to drink alcohol which is a great health tip for sure. According to the health website WebMD.com, alcohol causes many human diseases and contribute to conditions like cancer, anaemia, Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease. Thus, restriction on alcohol by Islam prevents Muslims from these diseases if they don’t consume it.

Being balanced while eating and drinking:

It is another important thing to be balanced while eating and drinking which is asked by Islam to us. In Surah Al-Araf verse 31, it is stated, “…eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.” Also, a hadith in Tirmidhi tells us about having food in a balanced way. Miqdam ibn Ma’d reported: The Messenger of Allah, (SAWW), said, “The son of Adam cannot fill a vessel worse than his stomach, as it is enough for him to take a few bites to straighten his back. If he cannot do it, then he may fill it with a third of his food, a third of his drink, and a third of his breath.” (Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2380)

Eating pork is forbidden:

Eating pork is also forbidden by Islam and it is really good for the health to not eat pork. Thus, Islam and health is a very important topic that gives us knowledge about how to remain healthy. It is significant to note here that according to Livestrong.com website, certain viruses and bacteria are introduced in the body by pork. This can then further cause vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, dehydration and diarrhoea. Thus, Muslims by following Islamic rules of health remain far away from the dangerous effects of eating pork.

Moreover, other tips which we can learn while learning about Islam and health are that Islam also asks us about good hygiene and washing hands before eating. All these golden rules of Islam about health give Muslims a complete plan of how to regulate a health life. Thus, Islam and health is very significant topic.

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