
Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is an example for us

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 / 0 Comment(s)

Holy Prophet (SAWW) is the last messenger of Allah and no prophet will come after him. It is the part of the Muslims’ faith and is called Risalat. The life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is an example for all of us and we can lead our lives according to that great example.

Holy Prophet (SAWW) was born in Makkah in the family of Quraish in 571 AD. Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) before the revelation was a man of great character as well. After revelation, he preached the religion of Islam secretly in initial stages and then openly later.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is an example and he is a role model for us:

Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) led a life which is a role model for all of us. He set the best example of morals and treated everyone kindly. Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) guided us in both haqooq ul Allah and huqooq ul ibad. There are many examples from the sunnat of the Prophet (SAWW) from which we can learn many things.


Prophet (SAWW) guided us in matters of ibadah and taught us how to pray. He explained us the methods of different ibadah and told us the importance of salat (prayer), roza (fasting), zakaat (poor due) and hajj (pilgrimage).

“The first thing to be asked on the Day of Judgement will be Salat,” Holy Prophet (SAWW) said.

Honest and trustworthy:

Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) was known as Sadiq and Ameen. He was trusted by the non Muslims as well and they used to keep their trusts (amanat) with him as well despite being against his preaching of Islam. This gives us a lesson that we should be honest and trustworthy in our dealings even with our enemies as well.

Fulfilment of promises:

We have learnt from the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) the act of keeping the promises and not breaking them. The treaty of Hudaibiya is the best example when Prophet (SAWW) kept his promise even when Hazrat Abu Jandal came to him in chains.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) said, “A person who does not keep a promise is without deen.” Thus, we all should keep our promises in our dealings, contracts and daily life activities.

Treating others with kindness no matter what:

Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) taught us to treat others with kindness from the examples he set in his life. He treated those people with kindness who were very harsh with him. The famous incident of old lady who used to throw garbage on Prophet (SAWW) is known to us that how Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) visited her to know if she is doing well when one day she didn’t throw the trash on him. Moreover, Prophet (SAWW) prayed for the people of Taif who behaved with him very badly and forgave his great enemies at the conquest of Makkah.

Justice and respect of law:

Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) showed us in his lifetime that justice and respect of law are very important things. The famous incident of the woman named Fatima who was wealthy and powerful, committed theft and order to punish her was given by the Holy Prophet (SAWW). This taught us that we should work with justice and respect the law no matter what is the rank or position of the parties involved.

Allah says in Quran: “You have indeed in the Apostle of Allah a beautiful pattern of (conduct).” (Surah Al-Ahzab 21)

Thus, the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is a great example for us. He is a role model for us and we must take guidance from Quran and his life to lead a successful life in this world and the Hereafter.

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