
Knowing about rights of poor and needy in Islam

Wednesday, May 29, 2019 / 0 Comment(s)

The poor and needy are part of the society just like all other persons. Islam guides us to help those who need help and thus, there are certain rights of poor and needy in Islam as well that must be fulfilled to ensure the growth of a progressive society.

Rights of poor and needy in the lights of Holy Quran:

In Holy Quran, there has been mentioned at several places that help must be given to the poor and needy. The verse that talks about masarif-e-zakat also mentions that zakat must be given to the poor and needy. Following is the translation of that verse:

  1. “Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.” (Quran, 9:60)

In the above mentioned translation of verse of Holy Quran, it is clearly stated that with other people, Zakat is for the needy and poor. Thus, the Zakat by those it is obligatory on must be given to the poor and needy and others who were mentioned in the above mentioned translation of verse of Surah Taubah.

  1. “And in their wealth is a recognized right. For the (needy) who asks and the one who is deprived.” (Quran, 70:24-25)

In the before mentioned translation of the verse of Holy Quran, it is clearly stated that it is a recognized right of the needy and the deprived ones in their wealth which makes the rights of needy in Islam very clear.

Rights of poor and needy in the light of Ahadees:

Holy Prophet (SAWW) also asked the Muslims to pay zakat and help the poor and needy. The rights of poor and needy in Islam can be understood by the following ahadees;

  1. Prophet (SAWW) said, “Anyone who looks after and works for a widow and a poor person is like a warrior fighting for Allah’s cause, or like a person who fasts during the day and prays all night.” (Bukhari)
  2. Muhammad (SAWW) said, “To give something to a poor man brings one reward, while giving the same to a needy relation brings two: one for charity and the other for respecting the family ties.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Nasai, Tirmidhi)
  3. Prophet (SAWW) said, “When someone is made rich but he does not pay Zakat for his wealth, then on the Day of Judgment his money will be turned into a poisonous snake with two black spots on its head. It will coil around his neck and bite his cheeks and say: ‘I am your wealth, I am your treasure.’” (Bukhari)

The rights of poor and needy in Islam are clear; thus, the Muslims should give zakat, fitrana and sadqa to the poor and needy of the society because without paying them zakat which is also called poor due and is one of the five pillars of Islam, the society can be ruined and it can be led towards crimes and negative sentiments among people. Moreover, there will be no distribution of wealth but accumulation of wealth in few hands which is harmful for any society’s progress. Thus, Muslims must fulfil the rights of poor and needy in Islam as they are provided.

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