
Marriage And Divorce In Islam

Friday, December 6, 2019 / 0 Comment(s)

Marriage and divorce, both are important topics and we must know about their detail and that what Islam says about them. Islam is a perfect religion which guides us about all the matters of life. Likewise, it also guides us about marriage and divorce. The topic of marriage and divorce in Islam is very broad and needs to be discussed deeply. Thus, in today’s blog, we will try our best to throw light on what Islam says about marriage and divorce.

Marriage in Islam:

Marriage is basically a contract between male and female. In Islam, marriage is done by nikkah. Marriage is a very important act by which a social institution of family is formed. There is great importance of marriage in Islam. It is a means towards emotional and sexual satisfaction. The significance of marriage in Islam can be understood by going through various Quranic verses and ahadith in which there is a discussion about marriage.

Quranic verses about marriage:

“And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.” (Quran, 2:221)

“And do not marry those [women] whom your fathers married, except what has already occurred. Indeed, it was an immorality and hateful [to Allah] and was evil as a way.” (Quran, 4:22)

“Prohibited to you [for marriage] are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father’s sisters, your mother’s sisters, your brother’s daughters, your sister’s daughters, your [milk] mothers who nursed you, your sisters through nursing, your wives’ mothers, and your step-daughters under your guardianship [born] of your wives unto whom you have gone in. But if you have not gone in unto them, there is no sin upon you. And [also prohibited are] the wives of your sons who are from your [own] loins, and that you take [in marriage] two sisters simultaneously, except for what has already occurred. Indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran, 4:23)

“And [also prohibited to you are all] married women except those your right hands possess. [This is] the decree of Allah upon you. And lawful to you are [all others] beyond these, [provided] that you seek them [in marriage] with [gifts from] your property, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse. So for whatever you enjoy [of marriage] from them, give them their due compensation as an obligation. And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree to beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.” (Quran, 4:24)

“And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Quran, 24:32)

In the above mentioned translations of the Quranic verses, there is lots of guidance about marriage. Muslims are being told that who they should marry and who they shouldn’t. From these verses, we can learn that what Islam says about this bond of marriage. Also, there are some marriages in Islam which are void and can never become valid like marriage with your mother or sister. Thus, we should learn about the concept of marriage in Islam from Quran in the best way.

Ahadith about marriage:

It was narrated by Abdullah, “We were with the Prophet while we were young and had no wealth whatever. So Allah’s Apostle (SAWW) said, “O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power.”” (Bukhari)

Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said, “No house has been built in Islam more beloved in the sight of Allah than through marriage.”

Holy Prophet (SAWW) said, “Do not delay in three things; i) The offering of the compulsory prayer. ii) The offering of the funeral prayer when the dead body is present. iii) The marriage of a woman when her match is found.”

The Holy Prophet (SAWW) said, “Of my tradition is to marry. So then whoever turns away from my tradition (Sunnah) is not from me (my nation).”

Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said, “One who marries, has already guarded half of his religion, therefore he should fear Allah for the other half.”

“This world is but provision, and there is no provision in this world better than a righteous wife.” (Muslim)

The above mentioned ahadith tell us about the significance of marriage in Islam. Moreover, they also tell us that what Islam says about marriage. By marrying, one can guard half of his faith, as per the saying of the Holy Prophet (SAWW), thus showing us immense importance of the marriage. This bond surely plays a role in protecting the man from the evil deeds. Also, marriage is a legal way to procreate in Islam. Thus, we can know much about marriage and rights plus duties of husband and wife from ahadith.

Divorce in Islam:

Marriage is a very beautiful bond which can give great happiness to the two people who married each other. However, at times, this bond can be the cause of grief in the couple’s life. Things sometimes become worse and living with your spouse doesn’t remain easy. Only divorce between the two seems to be the solution. Thus, divorce is allowed in Islam when it’s become necessary. However, there are certain conditions in which divorce is allowed in Islam and in the absence of those conditions, couples shouldn’t go for divorce.

Divorce is the last option and can be defined as the dissolution of marriage. It is also called as talaq. Moreover, there are different kinds of divorce as well. It is huge step which must be taken very carefully and after deep thinking and not in anger. Surely, divorce is permissible in Islam. However, in many societies, people refrain to go for divorce no matter how hard the things become due to the fear of society. But divorce must not be made haram for the people as it’s allowed by Allah and He knows the wisdom behind it.

Quranic verses about divorce:

“O Prophet, when you [Muslims] divorce women, divorce them for [the commencement of] their waiting period and keep count of the waiting period, and fear Allah, your Lord. Do not turn them out of their [husbands’] houses, nor should they [themselves] leave [during that period] unless they are committing a clear immorality. And those are the limits [set by] Allah . And whoever transgresses the limits of Allah has certainly wronged himself. You know not; perhaps Allah will bring about after that a [different] matter.” (Quran, 65:1)

“Divorced women remain in waiting for three periods, and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have more right to take them back in this [period] if they want reconciliation. And due to the wives is similar to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the men have a degree over them [in responsibility and authority]. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.” (Quran, 2:228)

“Divorce is twice. Then, either keep [her] in an acceptable manner or release [her] with good treatment. And it is not lawful for you to take anything of what you have given them unless both fear that they will not be able to keep [within] the limits of Allah . But if you fear that they will not keep [within] the limits of Allah, then there is no blame upon either of them concerning that by which she ransoms herself. These are the limits of Allah, so do not transgress them. And whoever transgresses the limits of Allah – it is those who are the wrongdoers.” (Quran, 2:229)

“And if he has divorced her [for the third time], then she is not lawful to him afterward until [after] she marries a husband other than him. And if the latter husband divorces her [or dies], there is no blame upon the woman and her former husband for returning to each other if they think that they can keep [within] the limits of Allah . These are the limits of Allah, which He makes clear to a people who know.” (Quran, 2:230)

“And when you divorce women and they have [nearly] fulfilled their term, either retain them according to acceptable terms or release them according to acceptable terms, and do not keep them, intending harm, to transgress [against them]. And whoever does that has certainly wronged himself. And do not take the verses of Allah in jest. And remember the favor of Allah upon you and what has been revealed to you of the Book and wisdom by which He instructs you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is Knowing of all things.” (Quran, 2:231)

Ahadith about divorce:

It was narrated by Ibn Abbas, “The wife of Thabit bin Qais bin Shammas came to the Prophet and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! I do not blame Thabit for any defects in his character or his religion, but I am afraid that I (being a Muslim) may become unthankful for Allah’s Blessings.” On that, Allah’s Apostle said (to her), ‘Will you return his garden to him?” She said, “Yes.” So she returned his garden to him and the Prophet told him to divorce her.” (Bukhari)

Narrated by Said bin Jubair: “I said to Ibn ‘Umar, “If a man accuses his wife of illegal sexual intercourse (what is the judgment)?” He said, “Allah’s Prophet separated the couple of Bani ‘Ajlan (when the husband accused his wife for an illegal sexual intercourse). The Prophet said, ‘Allah knows that one of you two is a liar; so will one of you repent?’ But they refused. He then again said, ‘Allah knows that one of you two is a liar; so will one of you repent?’ But they refused, whereupon he separated them by divorce.” Aiyub (a sub-narrator) said: ‘Amr bin Dinar said to me, “In the narration there is something which I do not see you mentioning, i.e. the husband said, “What about my money (Mahr)?’ The Prophet said, “You are not entitled to take back money, for if you told the truth you have already entered upon her (and consummated your marriage with her) and if you are a liar then you are less entitled to take it back.” (Bukhari)

Ibn ‘Umar reported that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating during the lifetime of Allah’s Messenger (SAWW).’Umar b. Khattib (RA) asked Allah’s Messenger (SAWW) about it, whereupon Allah’s Messenger (SAWW) said: “Command him (‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar) to take her back (and keep her) and pronounce divorce when she is purified and she again enters the period of menstruation and she is again purified (after passing the period of menses), and then if he so desires he may keep her and if he desires divorce her (finally) before touching her (without having an intercourse with her), for that is the period of waiting (‘ldda) which God, the Exalted and Glorious, has commanded for the divorce of women.” (Muslim)

Thus, the above mentioned ahadith and translations of the Quranic verses tell us much about divorce in Islam. Marriage and divorce in Islam are important things to know. If a marriage fails, the last resort is divorce. Both Quran and hadith clearly guide us about the issue of divorce. One divorce at a time is considered good while three divorces at once is something against the spirit of Shariah.

Thus, marriage and divorce in Islam are the  basics which every Muslim should know in order to be aware of these things as it’s very important when they will enter a practical life. Marriage is not an easy thing but a huge responsibility and it takes a lot to carry this responsibility for both men and women. On the other hand, divorce is a huge step which must be taken when no other option is left and in those conditions which are mentioned in the text or Islamic law. Hence, both marriage and divorce in Islam are very significant topics.

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