
Rewards and Benefits of Surah Yaseen

Monday, December 23, 2019 / 0 Comment(s)

Quran is last book of Allah which He revealed on the Holy Prophet (SAWW). There are many surahs in Holy Quran and Surah Yaseen is one of them. Every surah in Quran gives us great lessons. Reciting these surahs gives us benefits and rewards as well. Likewise, there are many rewards and benefits of Surah Yaseen which you all must know. Therefore, today, in this blog, we will talk about the rewards and benefits of Surah Yaseen.

Importance of Surah Yaseen:

Surah Yaseen is the heart of Quran. As per Tafsir-al-Sabuni Volume 2, Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said about Surah Yaseen that surely everything has a heart and the heart of the Holy Quran is Yaseen. He (SAWW) further said that he would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people. This shows us the importance of Surah Yaseen and thus, we can memorize it as well.

Rewards and benefits of Surah Yaseen:

From the following ahadith, we can learn about benefits and rewards of Surah Yaseen;

In one hadith, Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said, “Whoever recites Yaseen once, Allah will record the rewards of reciting the Quran ten times.” (Tirmidhi 2812/A) From this hadith, we can learn about both the benefit and reward of reciting Surah Yaseen. The reward of reciting Surah Yaseen is so great that we all can recite this Surah of the Holy Quran everyday to gain reward and get benefited.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said: “Indeed in the Noble Quran there is a Surah, for its reading will intercede and will be a means of forgiveness for listener. Listen carefully, it is Surah Yaseen, in the Torah it is called Muimmah…” (Tirmidhi) From this hadith, we can learn that listening Surah Yaseen can cause our forgiveness. This also shows the importance of this Surah as well. Thus, we can try our best to gain benefit from Surah Yaseen.

In another hadith, Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said, “Whoever recites Surah Yaseen at night seeking the pleasure of Allah, that night he will be forgiven.” (Abu Nuaym) Thus, this hadith further tells us about the benefits and rewards of reciting Surah Yaseen. In one hadith, we learnt that listening Surah Yaseen can cause our forgiveness then in this hadith, we have learnt that by reciting Surah Yaseen at night for seeking Allah’s pleasure, we will be forgiven that night. Thus, we can also recite Surah Yaseen at night for seeking Allah’s pleasure. Surely, there are great rewards and benefits of Surah Yaseen.

All these above mentioned ahadith tell us about the benefits and rewards of reciting Surah Yaseen. Surely, it is a great Surah of the Holy Quran and we all can memorize it plus recite it as well to gain rewards and benefits. Moreover, you can also start your day by reciting Surah Yaseen after you offer Fajr namaz. Your heart will feel good by reciting this Surah by the will of Allah (SWT).

Lastly, eQuran Academy tries its best to give the accurate knowledge to the people out there so that they can benefit themselves and their family plus friends. Thus, we share useful and accurate information about Islamic matters with you so that you can make your life better and get great rewards from Allah (SWT) plus gain the pleasure of Allah which is very important for all of us.

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