
Rights and Duties of husband and wife in Islam

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 / 0 Comment(s)

Islam has defined the rights and duties of everyone with regard to each other. Likewise, the rights and duties of spouses are also stated by Islam which regulates the married life of husband and wife. Husbands have their rights on wives which are the duties of wives while wives have their rights on their husbands that are the duties of the husbands. Some of the rights and duties of spouses in Islam are as follow;

Rights of wife and duties of husband:

  1. Financial rights:

There are certain things that come in the financial rights of the wives. Dower or haq meher is one of them and is very important. It’s given by husband to wife as a result of marriage. Moreover, husband has to provide for the sustenance of the wife plus provide wife with proper place to live in.

“And give to the women (whom you marry) their meher with a good heart.” (Al-Nisaa 4:4)

Prophet (SAWW) in his farewell sermon said about the rights of wives, “Their rights upon you are that you should provide them with food and clothing in a fitting manner.” (Narrated by Muslim 1218)

  1. Equality between wives:

If a man has more than one wife then it is the right of every wife to be treated equally by the husband.

  1. Kindness and respect:

It is also the right of wife to be treated with respect and kindness by husband. A husband’s duty is to be gentle with his wife.

“…and consort with them in kindness.” (An-Nisaa: 19)

  1. Treating wife well and not exposing her secrets:

It is the right of a wife that husband should treat her well and he shouldn’t expose her secrets.

“I entreat you to treat women well for they have been created from a rib and the most crooked part of a rib is the upper part. If you insist on straightening it, you will break it. If you leave it, it will remain crooked. So, I entreat you to treat women well.” (Bukhari)

Rights of husband and duties of wife:

  1. Obedience of husband:

In Islam, it comes in the right of husband and duty of the wife that she should obey her husband in religiously permissible things.

A woman came to the Prophet (SAWW) and said, “O Messenger of Allah! What are the rights of men upon their wives?” He replied, “She must obey him and not be disobedient…”

  1. Available for husband:

Another right of husband is that wife should be available for him. Both of them must have physical intercourse after marriage.

A woman came to the Prophet (SAWW) and said, “O Messenger of Allah! What are the rights of men upon their wives?” He replied, “…She must not deny him her body, even if she is on the back of a camel…”

  1. Guarding herself and husband’s home in his absence:

The right of husband is that the wife should guard herself and the home of husband in his absence.

Imam Sadiq (‘a) has quoted the Prophet (SAWW) via his fathers that: “No Muslim man has received more utility after becoming a Muslim than through a Muslim wife who gives him a feeling of bliss when he looks at her, and obeys him when he gives her an order, and guards herself and his property when he is absent.”

  1. Faithful to husband and respecting him:

Another right of husband is that wife must be faithful to her husband and shall not deceive him. It is also the right of husband and duty of wife that she should respect her husband and treat him nicely plus with good manners.

Islam is a very comprehensive religion that guides man to live a good and balanced life by specifying certain rights, duties and rules in each relation like the rights and duties of spouses and of many more.


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